Make an Appointment Request
If you are a new patient, please contact the CVFHT office directly at 905-813-3850 Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm to book an appointment.
To cancel an appointment, sign in and click 'cancel appointment' or cancel through your mobile device.
Urgent Care
If you have a serious or life threatening emergency, always go to your nearest emergency department or call 911.
We now reserve appointment slots for same day urgent care concerns. Please call 905 813 3850 to book a same day urgent care appointment. Please note that if your family physician is not available, you may be scheduled with a resident or alternate physician.
Appointment Type

Prescription Renewals
Your pharmacy can fax a renewal request to your provider. Please ensure this is performed a minimum of 48 hours prior to running out. For narcotics, blood pressure medication or other medications in need of physician monitoring, please book an appointment with your provider.
Longer Visit: A visit requiring extensive medical discussion.
Short Visit: Minor health issues that do not need to be seen on an urgent basis.
Preventative Care: Scheduled visits to monitor health status as advised by medical providers and Ontario standards.
Urgent Care: Health concerns that need to be seen within 48 hours. We now reserve appointment slots for same day urgent care concerns. Please call 905 813 3850 to book a same day urgent care appointment.
Uninsured Services
How are the uninsured fee rates determined?
Fees are based on the Ontario Medical Association's suggested fees as found in the most current edition of the OMA Physician's Guide to Third Party and Other Uninsured Services.
What if I have questions?
For more details please see the Ministry's website or contact your nearest Ministry office.
Completion of Forms for Physicals For:
Completion of Licensing Forms/Certificate
Completion of Work Related Forms/Notes
Insurance Certificates
Government Forms
Procedures: Time Based Rates
Missed Scheduled Appointment/24 Hrs Cancellation
Other Services Not Covered by OHIP
Telehealth Contact Information
For your urgent, after hours healthcare concerns, the Credit Valley Family Health Team (CVFHT) offers an access to a teleheath registered nurse who can provide advice on your urgent health care needs and connect you with the physician on call.
The number for the teleheath nurse is: +1 866 553 7205.